Works in Progress
- “Unobserved Auctions,” with Mike Peters
- “Private Career Concerns,” with Wei Li
- “Dating and Divorce,” with Sergei Severinov and Yujing Xu
- “Unobserved Mechanism Design: Targeted Offers,” with Mike Peters
- “Directed Search with Disclosure,” with Ce Huang
- “Information Provision and Price Competition,” with Ettore Damiano
- “Matching Markets with Endogenous Information,” with Tracy Lewis
- “Dynamic Decisions with Short-term Memories,” with Sumon Majumdar
- “Competitive New Product Diffusion,” with Alan Sorensen
- “Economic Models of Marriages and Marriage Markets,” with Linda Wong
- “Technological Changes and Segregation of Workers by Skill,” with Wing Suen
- “Credit, Bankruptcy, and Intermediary Market Structure,” with Andrea Buraschi
- “Taxes in a Market with Demand Uncertainty,” with Gabriel Lee
- “Flexible Labor Contracts”
Completed Manuscripts
- “Informative Voting in Large Elections,” with Ettore Damiano and Wing Suen
- “Stochastic Sequential Screening,” with Xianwen Shi
- “Unobserved Mechanism Design: Equal Priority Auctions,” with Mike Peters
Book Chapters
- “Assortative Matching” (for The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition, edited by Larry Blume and Steven Durlauf, published by Palgrave Macmillan)
- “Sherwin Rosen” (for The Elgar Companion to the Chicago School, edited by Ross Emmett, published by Edward Elgar Publishers)
Review Articles
- “Decision-making in Committees,” with Wing Suen (for Canadian Journal of Economics, Viewpoint series, 42(2), May 2009, pp.359-392)
Accepted Papers and Publications
- “Optimal Discriminatory Disclosure,” with Yingni Guo and Xianwen Shi, Journal of Economic Theory.
- “Optimal Delay in Committees,” with Ettore Damiano and Wing Suen. Games and Economic Behavior.
- “Learning while Experimenting,” with Ettore Damiano and Wing Suen. Economic Journal, 130, 2020, pp. 65-92.
- “Discriminatory Information Disclosure,” with Xianwen Shi. American Economic Review, 107, 2017, pp. 3363-3385
- "Optimal Limited Authority for Principal,” with Anton Kolotilin and Wei Li. Journal of Economic Theory 148, 2013, pp. 2344-2382
- “Misinformation,” with Wei Li. International Economic Review, 54, 2013, pp. 253-277
- “Competing for Talents,” with Ettore Damiano and Wing Suen. Journal of Economic Theory 147, 2012, pp. 2190-2219
- “Optimal Deadlines for Agreements,” with Ettore Damiano and Wing Suen. Theoretical Economics 7, 2012, pp.357-393
- “First in Village or Second in Rome,” with Ettore Damiano and Wing Suen. International Economic Review 51, 2010, pp.263-288
- “Suspense: Dynamic Incentives in Sports Contests,” with William Chan and Pascal Courty. Economic Journal 119, 2009, pp.24-46
- “Credible Ratings,” with Ettore Damiano and Wing Suen. Theoretical Economics 3, 2008, pp.325-365
- “Competing Matchmaking,” with Ettore Damiano. Journal of the European Economic Association 6(4), 2008, pp.819-844
- “A Signaling Theory of Grade Inflation,” with William Chan and Wing Suen. International Economics Review 48(3), August 2007, pp.1065-1090
- “Price Discrimination and Efficient Matching,” with Ettore Damiano. Economic Theory 30, February 2007, pp.243-263.
- “Unraveling of Dynamic Sorting,” with Ettore Damiano and Wing Suen. Review of Economic Studies 72, October 2005, pp.1057-107
- “Self-fulfilling Early Contracting Rush,” with Wing Suen. International Economics Review 45, February 2004, pp.301-324.
- “Delegating Decisions to Experts,” with Wing Suen. Journal of Political Economy 112, Part 2, February 2004, pp.S311-335
- “Conflicts and Common Interests in Committees,” with Sherwin Rosen and Wing Suen. American Economic Review 91(5), December 2001, pp.1478-1497
- “A Theory of Conservatism.” Journal of Political Economy 109, June 2001, pp.617-636
- “Sequential Screening,” with Pascal Courty. Review of Economic Studies 67, October 2000, pp. 697-717
- “Risk-sharing, Sorting, and Early Contracting,” with Wing Suen. Journal of Political Economy 108(5), October 2000 , pp.1058-1091
- “Timing of Seasonal Sales,” with Pascal Courty. Journal of Business 72(4), October 1999, pp.545-572
- “Hierarchies and Information-Processing Organizations.” Review of Economic Design 4(2),July 1999, pp.101-126
- “How Complex Are Networks Playing Repeated Games?” with In-Koo Cho. Economic Theory 13(1), January 1999, pp.93-123
- “Unraveling in Matching Markets,” with Sherwin Rosen. American Economic Review 88(3), June 1998, pp.371-387